Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Student Summit Script.

Most Valuable lessons:
1.       Take in consideration of other people’s ideas
2.       Don’t give up even when a certain program isn’t working.
3.       Make sure you have good group communication

Things I enjoyed most:
1.       Working on a global scale with people all over the world
2.       Getting to talk and meet new people
3.       Being able to experience what it’s like to work on a global scale

Biggest Challenges
1.       Having a bad team that didn’t help me
2.       People not communicating on the wiki.
3.       Having movie maker not work.

What I would change:
I don’t think that I would change anything because it works out good. He only bad thing is the teams for the wiki sometimes don’t work out, then you have to do it all by yourself. Also the video that we did could be a bit shorter maybe 2-3 minutes instead of 3-4 minutes. The only reason I think the video should be shortened up is because the fact that it’s hard to make a 4 minute video.

Keynote Speaker Response

The major technology I use for fun would be my phone, computer, or my Ps3. I can use my phone and my computer for school by using twitter or other websites to learn from, or contact my teachers using twitter. I can also use my computer to get documents from the school drives that I can access at school. That way I can do homework or access study materials from home too.

Some major skills that digital natives possess are the ability to go into a phone, or other technological piece of equipment and just be able to use them instead of them having to go through the owner’s manual and figure out how to do simple stuff. It’s also the opposite. I think that digital natives are bad at face to face communication. They also don’t enjoy nature as much as people who lived without computers and cell phones.

I think that using a global communication project like the Flat Classroom project helps people with their future especially since we are moving closer and closer to a technology based world, even more than what we have now. It also teaches you to improvise when your team doesn’t come through with the necessary things that they had to do. The last thing that I think it helps us with is being able to work together with people when you don’t ever see them. This is good because, this can happen in the real world, like when schedules of you and partners don’t work out then you don’t have to see your partners in your project to be able to make it a good one, and get it done on time.

I can now use my skills that I developed to bring them into the business world and use them to collaborate with people on a country, or global scale. I can also use them for school work, like when we have a project due in a class I can use my new skills to be able to get it done without having to stay at a friend’s house for eight hours we can both do our parts then put them together to make it look good. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Digital Citezenship

                I’m Jakob Glas and this blog is for Digi Tools. The blog will be covering a variety of things that talk about digital citizenship and other things like that.
                In our first unit in Digi Tools we talked about digital citizenship. This covers how you act online, your online profile. To define Digital citizenship is hard, in my own words its basically how you behave, and what you do on the internet, An example is what you look up, or what you do online.
                To rate my online profile is easy, I would say its good. I don’t post bad things on Facebook or instagram. My friends and I use the internet to help us do homework and connect with each other more easily.
             My Infogram is all about cyber bullying and digital citizenship. It gives surprising stats about Cyber Bullying and how it affects kids.
Source: http://www.statisticbrain.com/cyber-bullying-statistics/